Cat's claw

Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably malignent cells which have the ability to infiltrate & destroy normal body tissue. Scientists link elephants' high resistance to cancer to their 20 copies of the p53 gene – the 'guardian of the genome' – compared with the single p53 gene found in other mammals. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout your body. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world. Some cancer cells feed of methionine although Methionine is an essential amino acid. Methionine is an essential amino acid found in meat, fish, and dairy products. Amino acids are the building blocks used to make proteins. Methionine cannot be made by the body, so it must be consumed in the diet. It plays an important role in the many functions within the body. Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These contrast with benign tumors, which do not spread. Possible signs and symptoms include a lump, abnormal bleeding, prolonged cough, unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements. While these symptoms may indicate cancer, they can also have other causes. Over 100 types of cancers affect humans. Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% are due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity or excessive alcohol consumption. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants. Infection with specific viruses, bacteria and parasites is an environmental factor causing approximately 16-18% of cancers worldwide. These infectious agents include Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human papillomavirus infection, Epstein–Barr virus, Human T-lymphotropic virus 1, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not directly cause cancer but it causes immune deficiency that can magnify the risk due to other infections, sometimes up to several thousand fold (in the case of Kaposi's sarcoma). Importantly, vaccination against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus have been shown to nearly eliminate risk of cancers caused by these viruses in persons successfully vaccinated prior to infection. These environmental factors act, at least partly, by changing the genes of a cell. Typically, many genetic changes are required before cancer develops. Approximately 5–10% of cancers are due to inherited genetic defects. Cancer can be detected by certain signs and symptoms or screening tests. It is then typically further investigated by medical imaging and confirmed by biopsy. The risk of developing certain cancers can be reduced by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, vaccination against infectious diseases, limiting consumption of processed meat and red meat, and limiting exposure to direct sunlight. Amazing miracle drug Panacur Fenbendazole is one of many cancer cures order from . Panacur works by 3 ways 1 it stops the cancer cell form metabolizing sugar 2 Panacur breaks the microtubules in the cancer cells it turns out parasites & cancer cells have a similar microtubule cell structure 3 Fenbendazole increases TP53 The TP53 gene provides instructions for making a protein called tumor protein Tp53. This protein acts as a tumor suppressor, which means that it regulates cell division by keeping cells from growing & dividing (proliferating) too fast or in an uncontrolled way. “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement spend at least $1000 on fenbendazole to completely cure cancer. You have to take the right treatment panacur. Early detection through screening is useful for cervical & colorectal cancer. The benefits of screening for breast cancer are controversial. Cancer is often treated with some combination of radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy & targeted therapy. Pain & symptom management are an important part of care. Palliative care is particularly important in people with advanced disease. The chance of survival depends on the type of cancer & extent of disease at the start of treatment. In children under 15 at diagnosis, the five-year survival rate in the developed world is on average 80%. For cancer in the United States, the average five-year survival rate is 66% for all ages. In 2015, about 90.5 million people worldwide had cancer. In 2019, annual cancer cases grew by 23.6 million people & there were 10 million deaths worldwide, representing over the previous decade increases of 26% & 21%, respectively. The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer & stomach cancer. Panacur the canine dewormer is known to cure all cancer. In females, the most common types are breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer & cervical cancer. If skin cancer other than melanoma were included in total new cancer cases each year, it would account for around 40% of cases. In children, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors are most common, except in Africa, where non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more often. In 2012, about 165,000 children under 15 years of age were diagnosed with cancer. The risk of cancer increases significantly with age & many cancers occur more commonly in developed countries. Rates are increasing as more people live to an old age & as lifestyle changes occur in the developing world. The global total economic costs of cancer were estimated at US$1.16 trillion (equivalent to $1.62 trillion in 2023) per year as of 2010. Cowpea mosaic plant virus is known to cure cancer. NYU is transforming cancer treatment with histotripsy, a non-invasive method using focused ultrasound to target liver tumors effectively. several species are known to be extremely cancer resistant. These include the naked mole rat, blind mole rat, elephant and bowhead whale. The age of onset of cancer also varies greatly depending on the lifespan thus, animals have God given efficient mechanisms such as hyaluronic acid to delay the onset of tumours until postreproductive age. The BRCA genes are tumour suppressor genes that normally help to prevent cancer. They control cell growth and division and help repair damage to DNA. But mutated BRCA genes can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. There are 2 BRCA gene mutations that are known to cause cancer – BRCA1 and BRCA2.  Background Species such as crocodiles and cockroaches can withstand high radiation, reside in unsanitary conditions, thrive on germ-infested feed, and are exposed to heavy metals, yet they are not reported to develop cancer. Research also found that compared to other mammals, bat genomes contain more changes in cancer-related genes, including six that repair DNA and 46 that suppress tumors. Over 90% of cancers are observed to have some type of genetic alteration. Some of these alterations are inherited, while others are sporadic, which means they occur by chance or occur from environmental exposures (usually over many years). Early (preclinical) studies showed that some cancer cells can't use ketones as energy. So, changing the diet to be high in High Density Lipoprotein fat and low in carbohydrate will lower glucose levels & starve cancer cells. Normal body cells adapt and can use ketones to survive. Cancer remains the leading cause of death in Canada. An estimated 2 in 5 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and about 1 in 4 will die from cancer. In 2021, an estimated 229 200 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer and 84 600 will die from cancer. What types of cancer does alcohol cause? Drinking alcohol causes 7 different types of cancer. This includes: Breast cancer and bowel cancer (two of the most common types)
Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer
Laetrile: The Controversial Cancer Treatment Banned in the U.S
This Revolutionary Treatment Kills Cancer From the Inside Out
These 5 Supplements Kill Cancer & Burn Fat‎️‍🔥 Dr. Michael Greger
Singapore scientists identify nutritional needs of cancer stem cells
Beyond Chemotherapy: A Closer Look At Cancer Treatments | Cut, Poison, Burn | Only Human
UCSD unearths new cancer treatment
Revolutionary new cancer treatment at NYU
Tumour immunology and immunotherapy
Decoding cancer immunology: Hunting hidden tumours
From Stage 4 to cancer free, Oklahoma woman beats the odds
ICIs: Key to Surviving Cancer - Medical Frontiers

Cat’s claw cures viral infections (such as herpes, human papilloma virus, and HIV), Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, diverticulitis, peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, parasites, Osteoarthritis and leaky bowel syndrome.Genesis 1:29 & God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, & every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  It stimulates the immune system, kills cancer cells.cures Alzheimer’s disease take 4 daily “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement

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Cedar juice

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Collagen is a key component in bones, skin, muscles, & other body parts. In the mid-1930's collagen was first discovered to have a molecular structure.Made od Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen & Oxygen it is written in the Holy King James Bible the word of the Lord according to saint Moses the prophet 1450 BC Before Christ Genesis 1:29 & God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, & every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Collagen supplements help improve skin health, relieve joint pain, & prevent bone loss, among other things. Collagen is a protein. Your body makes Collagen, But as you age — just when it’s harder for your body to make collagen — the collagen you have begins to break down. So consider collagen supplements & how much they really help. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s the main component of connective tissues that make up several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, & muscles. In fact, about 40% of bone is collagen. It provides structural matrix upon which mineralization of bone occur. Collagen has many important function, including providing skin structure & strengthening bones. You can get collagen from foods like pork skin & bone broth, but collagen supplements have also become popular. Most are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down to make it easier to absorb. These supplements come primarily in powder form but are also available in capsules. The type of collagen found in supplements vary — some contain one or two type, while others contain up to five. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. You can increase your intake of collagen by taking supplements or eating animal bone broth. However, absorption from food may not be as efficient as supplements. Collagen supplementation provides a variety of health benefits. Improves skin health plays a role in strengthening skin, as well as in elasticity & hydration. As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to dry skin & the formation of wrinkles. Several studies have shown that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen help slow the aging of your skin by reducing wrinkles & dryness. One review of 26 studies focusing mostly on women found that taking 1–12 grams of collagen per day for 4–12 weeks led to improvements in skin elasticity & hydration. These supplements may work by stimulating your body to produce collagen & other proteins that help structure your skin, including elastin & fibrillin. There are also many claims that collagen supplements help prevent acne & other skin conditions, these are supported by scientific evidence. Collagen relieves joint pain . As you age, the amount of collagen in your body decreases, & your risk increases for joint disorders such as osteoarthritis. Studies suggest that collagen supplements help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis & reduce overall joint pain. A review of studies in people with osteoarthritis found that taking collagen led to significant improvements in joint stiffness but not pain or functional limitation. Researchers suggest supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage & stimulate your tissues to make collagen which may lead to lower inflammation, better joint support & reduced pain. Such evidence is needed to recommend collagen as a treatment for osteoarthritis. Collagen prevents bone loss. Your bones are made mostly of collagen 40 %. As you age, collagen deteriorates, & your bone mass decreases. This leads to osteoporosis, characterized by low bone density & higher risk of bone fracture, loss of collagen consequently leads to sarcopenia. Research suggests collagen supplements inhibit bone breakdown that lead to osteoporosis. In a 12-month study of postmenopausal women, some took a calcium & vitamin D supplement with 5 grams of collagen & others took a calcium & vitamin D supplement with no collagen daily. Those taking the calcium, vitamin D, & collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone breakdown & less loss of mineral bone density than those who took only the calcium & vitamin D. Another study found similar results in 66 postmenopausal women who took 5 grams of collagen daily for 12 months. Participants who took the collagen had an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), a measure of the density of minerals in bones. Collagen boosts muscle mass. As the most abundant protein in the body 30% collagen is an important component of skeletal muscle. In a 12-week study, 26 older men with sarcopenia took 15 grams of collagen while participating in an exercise program. Compared to men who exercised but didn’t take collagen, they gained significantly more muscle mass & strength. Collagen promotes heart health. Research has theorized that collagen supplements reduce the risk of heart conditions. Collagen provides structure to your arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Without enough collagen, arteries become less flexible & elastic, which lead to atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by the narrowing of your arteries. This condition cause heart attack & stroke. In a 6-month study, 30 healthy adults took 16 grams of collagen daily. They had experienced a significant reduction in measures of artery stiffness from the study’s beginning to its end . Additionally, their levels of HDL (good) cholesterol rose by an average of 6%. High Density Lipoprotein is an important factor in decreasing the risk of heart conditions, including atherosclerosis, Collagen improves gut health. Some health professionals report that collagen supplements treat leaky gut syndrome, also called intestinal permeability. Individuals report collagen help. Collagen strengthens your hair & nails . Taking collagen increase the strength of your nails. Research supports collagen’s effect on hair, people report that taking collagen help hair avoid breaking easily. Collagen help maintain brain health. Some people claim that Collagen improve mood & reduce anxiety symptom. Collagen help support weight loss . Proponents believe that collagen supplements promote weight loss & faster metabolism. Collagen in the Cornea the organization of collagen fibrils is largely responsible for transparency & refraction of cornea, lens & vitreous body, & collagen present in the sclera are largely responsible for the structure strength of the eye. Previous studies have found that collagen tissue turn senescent & change in glaucoma patients. This study was conducted to determine the role of collagen in the biomechanics of glaucoma in humans. Collagen shortage result of mechanical modifications brought on by intraocular pressure (IOP) fluctuations. More importantly, biomechanics & genetic evidence indicate that the mutation of collagen play a role in the process of glaucoma. Alteration of collagen in the outflow pathway may alter mechanical tissue characteristic & a concomitant increase of aqueous humor outflow resistance & elevation of intraocular pressure fluctuation IOP. The variation of collagen, lead to inter-individual difference in scleral & lamina cribrosa property. Therefore, collagen deficiency senescent cells in the eye are an original cause of glaucoma. Previous studies have found that collagen tissue are changed in glaucoma patients; The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a crucial role in all parts of the eye, from maintaining clarity & hydration of the cornea & vitreous to regulating angiogenesis, intraocular pressure maintenance, & vascular signaling. The extracellular matrix ECM is a vital component of all three segments of the trabecular meshwork: the corneoscleral, uveoscleral, & juxtacanalicular layers. The trabecular meshwork ECM is comprised of numerous glycosaminoglycans & proteoglycans, collagen, elastic fibrils, basement membrane, & matrix proteins . Collagen plays structural roles & contributes to mechanical properties, organization & shape of tissues . Collagen lack can result in a weaker structure, including changes in elasticity & compliance of collagen tissues & decreased density & thickness of tissue, which may be more sensitive to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) fluctuation. Type I collagen is the major component of structures within the eye. Thus, collagen abnormality in the outflow pathway appear to play an important role in the elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) fluctuation & may be one of the significant original factor of glaucoma. Collagen are the most abundant protein in mammals ∼30% of total protein mass. Archeologists have found collagen in dinosaur fossils. Post-mortem brain tissue was obtained from 11 neurologically unimpaired subjects who had died from cardiovascular causes at the age of 17 to 78 years. Collagen X V II expression in various neuroanatomical regions, representing essentially the entire human brain, was then assessed using immunohistochemistry. We found collagen X V II to be expressed widely in the brain and to be located primarily in the soma and proximal axons of neurons. In contrast, glial cells did not express collagen X V II. The expression varied strikingly between different neuroanatomical regions, being most notable in motor nuclei & Betz cells followed by pyramidal neurons.  Collagen form supramolecular assemblies in the extracellular matrix help organize & shape tissue. Collagen also interact with cell surface receptors to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation & migration. Some 28 type of collagen have been identified. Collagen differ by how the molecules are assembled, the cell components are added & where the collagen is used in your body. All collagen fibrils have at least one triple helix structure. Collagen homeostasis is governed by cellular uptake of collagen, extracellular collagenolysis, and synthesis of new collagen. Fibroblasts and macrophages are the principal cell type engaged in the maintenance & remodelling of collagen structure in the Extra Cellular Membrane. Collagen is broken down by extracellular protease produced by protease cells. Most of the protease that degrade collagen belong to the MMP protein family. Larger pieces of collagen are taken up by macrophages through phagocytosis. Pre-fragmented collagen is endocytosed by macrophages via MR & by fibroblasts via uPARAP. Collagen engulfed through phagocytosis or taken up via receptor-mediated endocytosis are subsequently degraded in lysosomes through the action of cysteine cathepsins. Fibroblasts also constitute the main collagen-producing cells. Discoidin Domain Receptors (DDRs) and β1-integrins constitute other known collagen receptors, but no role of these receptors in collagen homeostasis has been described. The collagen structure contains amino acids such as glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, alanine, and hydroxylysine. Glycine is the simplest of the amino acids, including-essential amino acids, & is one of the major structural units of collagen, absorbing approximately 30% of the amino acids in collagen. Research conducted at the American College of Rheumatology involving various samples (muscle biopsy, urine & blood test) showed disturbances in collagen metabolism & structure in people with Fibromyalgia. In muscle tissue, it serves as a major component of the endomysium. Collagen constitutes 2% percent of muscle tissue and accounts for 6% of the weight of the skeletal muscle tissue. The fibroblast is the most common cell that creates collagen. The endomysium is a delicate sheath of connective tissue which envelopes each individual skeletal muscle fiber, consisting primarily of type III & type IV collagen ,The perimysium is made up of dense irregular connective tissue which contains mainly type I & type III collagen. It is continuous with the endomysium that wraps around individual muscle fibers & the epimysium which encloses the entire muscle. Revelation22:2 In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement ; Collagen make up 80% of the dry weight of the skin & give the dermis its mechanical & structural integrity. Elastin is a minor component of the dermis, has an important function in providing the elasticity of the skin. Collagen can be classified in 5 type, but the most known and studied is the type II collagen. The type II collagen molecular mass is 1461.64 g mol-1 and the molecular formula is Carbon65 Hydrogen102 Nitrogen18 Oxygen21. The collagen is always found as a group of three molecules, that are twisted together to form a collagen aggregate of 290 nm long & 1.5 nm diameter approximately chemical structure can be written as above, in the common representations used for organic molecules. Collagen I- found in bones,tendons,organs Collagen II- found mainly in cartilage Collagen III- found mainly in reticular fibres Collagen IV- found in the basement membrane of cell membranes Collagen V- found in hair,nails;  About 1/4 of all of the protein in your body is collagen. Collagen is a major structural protein, forming molecular cables that strengthen the tendons & resilient sheets that support the skin & internal organs. Bone & teeth are made by adding mineral crystals to collagen. Collagen provide structure to our body, protect and support the softer tissue and connecting them with the skeleton. But, in spite of its critical function in the body, collagen is a relatively simple protein. Collagen is composed of three chains, wound together in a tight triple helix each chain is over 1400 amino acids long. A repeated sequence of three amino acids form this sturdy structure. Every third amino acid is glycine, a small amino acid that fit perfectly inside the helix. Many of the remaining positions in the chain are filled by two unexpected amino acids: proline & a modified version of proline, hydroxyproline. We wouldn't expect proline to be this common, because it forms a kink in the polypeptide chain that is difficult to accommodate in typical globular proteins, it seems to be just the right shape for this structural protein. Hydroxyproline is critical for collagen stability created by modifying normal proline amino acids after the collagen chain is built. The reaction require vitamin C to assist in the addition of oxygen. Unfortunately, we cannot make vitamin C within our body & if we don't get enough in our diet, the result can be disastrous. Vitamin C deficiency slow the production of hydroxyproline & stop the construction of new collagen, ultimately causing scurvy. The symptoms of scurvy--loss of teeth & easy bruising--are caused by the lack of collagen to repair the wear-&-tear caused by everyday activity. Collagen from livestock animals is a familiar ingredient for cooking. Like most protein, when collagen is heated, it loses all of its structure. The triple helix unwind and the chains separate. Then, when this denatured mass of tangled chains cool down, it soaks up all of the surrounding water like a sponge, forming gelatin. We make 30 different kind of collagen, the most abundant type in the human body is Type I with significant amounts of Type II,III & IV also accounted for; collagen form long ropes & tough sheets that are used for structural support in mature animals & as pathways for cellular movement during development. collagen contain a long stretch of triple helix connected to different type of end. The simplest is merely a long triple helix, with blunt end. These "type I" collagen molecules associate side-by-side, like fibers in a rope, to form tough fibril. These fibril crisscross the space between nearly every one of our cells. basement membrane, forms a tough surface support the skin and many organs. A different collagen--"type IV"--form the structural basis of this membrane. Type IV collagen has a globular head at one end & an extra tail at the other. The heads bind strongly together, head-to-head, & four collagen molecules associate together through their tail, forming an X-shaped complex. Using these two type of interaction, type IV collagen form an extended network, ;Two other molecules--cross-shaped laminin & long, snaky proteoglycans --fill in the space, forming a dense sheet. We found that the brain and liver had the least amount of collagen to protein levels 0.1%; heart and kidney around 1%, muscle and lung around 3.5%, colon 5.7%, skin 20%, bone 25–35%, and tendon about 40% of total collagen to the protein of wild-type CD1 female mice; The myocardial connective tissue maintaining the functional integrity of the heart mainly consists of collagen type I 80% & collagen type III 20%. Along with proteoglycans, elastin and glycoproteins, the sclera is composed of collagen fibrils – with heterotypic structures of types I and III collagen (but including small amounts of types V and VI) – arranged in discontinuous fibers of variable diameters in interlacing fiber bundle or defined lamellar pattern the sclera is composed of collagen fibrils – with heterotypic structures of types I and III collagen (but including small amounts of types V and VI) – arranged in discontinuous fibers of variable diameters in interlacing fiber bundles or defined lamellar patterns.
Shot with Galaxy Ao4S edited with Davinci Resolve & Photoshop
Collagen unboxing
David Sinclair on COLLAGEN for YOUNG Looking Skin | Longevity Analysis By Rimon
Part 4: Iron Physiology and its Clinical Relevance
Collagen || Structure, classification, biosynthesis and clinical importance.

Colostrum Hebrew Halab pronounced khaw-lawb First milk similar to first fruits Colostrum, or breast milk , is the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of humans and other mammals immediately following delivery of the newborn. It may be called beestings when referring to the first milk of a cow or similar animal. Most species will begin to generate colostrum just prior to giving birth.Genesis 1:29 & God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, & every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  Colostrum has an especially high amount of bioactive compounds compared to mature milk to give the newborn the best possible start to life. Specifically, colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease and infection, and immune and growth factors and other bioactives that help to activate a newborn's immune system, jumpstart gut function, and seed a healthy gut microbiome in the first few days of life. The bioactives found in colostrum are essential for a newborn's health, growth and vitality. Colostrum strengthens a baby's immune system and is filled with white blood cells to protect it from infection. At birth, the surroundings of the newborn mammal change from the relatively sterile environment in the mother's uterus, with a constant nutrient supply via the placenta, to the microbe-rich environment outside, with irregular oral intake of complex milk nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract. This transition puts high demands on the gastrointestinal tract of the neonate, as the gut plays an important part in both the digestive system and the immune system. Colostrum cares for highly sensitive mammalian neonates and contributes significantly to initial immunological defense as well as to the growth, development, and maturation of the neonate's gastrointestinal tract by providing key nutrients and bioactive factors. Bovine colostrum powder is rich in protein and low in sugar and fat. Bovine colostrum can also be used for a range of conditions in humans, and can boost a neonate's immunity. Colostrum also has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of a baby's first stool, which is called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a waste-product of dead red blood cells which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction from the infant's body and which is responsible for jaundice.Revelation22:2 In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement
Everything You Need to Know about Colostrum - History, Science, Supplements, & More!
Colostrum Processing

Copper (Cu) and its alloys are prospective materials in fighting covid-19 virus and several microbial pandemics, due to copper excellent antiviral as well as antimicrobial properties. Genesis 1:29 & God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, & every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Even though many studies have proved that copper and its alloys exhibit antiviral properties, this research arena requires further research attention. Several studies conducted on copper and its alloys have proven that copper-based alloys possess excellent potential in controlling the widespread of infectious diseases. Moreover, recent studies indicate that these alloys can effectively inactivate viruses such the covid-19 virus. In view of this, the present article reviews the importance of copper and its alloys in reducing the spread and infection of covid-19, which is a global pandemic. The electronic databases such as ScienceDirect, Web of Science and PubMed were searched for identifying relevant studies in the present review article. The review starts with a brief description on the history of copper usage in medicine followed by the effect of copper content in the human body and antiviral mechanisms of copper against viruses such as covid-19. The subsequent sections describe the distinctive copper based material systems such as alloys, nanomaterials and coating technologies in combating the spread of covid-19. Overall, copper based materials can be propitiously used as part of preventive and therapeutic strategies in the fight against covid-19 virus. Copper helps your body make red blood cells & keeps nerve cells & your immune system healthy. It also helps form collagen, a key part of bones and connective tissue. Copper may also act as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells and DNA. Copper helps the body absorb iron & develops and maintains bone, connective tissue, and organs like the brain and heart. Copper has anti viral & anti bacteria properties. Low copper levels have been linked to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Copper regulates heart rate and blood pressure & prevents prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate. One group of researchers has suggested that some patients with heart failure may benefit from copper supplements. Animal studies have linked low copper levels to Cardiovascular diseases, but it remains unclear if a deficiency would have the same impact on humans. Too little copper can lead to neutropenia. This is a deficiency of white blood cells, or neutrophils, which fight off infection. A person with a low level of neutrophils is more likely to get an infectious disease. Severe copper deficiency is associated with lower bone mineral density and a higher risk of osteoporosis. More research is needed on how marginal copper deficiency may affect bone health, and how copper supplementation might help prevent and manage osteoporosis. Copper plays an important role in maintaining collagen and elastin, major structural components of our bodies. Scientists have hypothesized that copper may have antioxidant properties, and that, together with other antioxidants, a healthful intake may help prevent skin aging. Without sufficient copper, the body cannot replace damaged connective tissue or the collagen that makes up the scaffolding for bone. This can lead to a range of problems, including joint dysfunction, as bodily tissues begin to break down. Animal studies have indicated that copper may help prevent or delay arthritis, Copper may also be used to kill cancer cells more directly. A 2019 study indicated that treatment with copper nanoparticles delayed the growth of pancreatic tumors in mice. Another study from 2014 found that copper compounds caused the death of colon cancer cells in test tubes. it is important to supplement with copper daily Revelation22:2 In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement . Shot with Galaxy Ao4S edited with Davinci Resolve & Photoshop
The Ultimate Crash Course on Copper
Copper Kills Germs On Contact See The Science.
Benefits of Copper No One Ever Talks About
Copper surfaces take out superbugs
Stephanie Harris on testing the power of copper
You Have To Know These Hidden Signs Of COPPER Deficiency
Can grey hair at 28 indicate copper deficiency? Plus more copper questions answered!
Your Body Needs Copper (Cu)

Cultured meat, also known as cultivated meat among other names, is a form of cellular agriculture where meat is produced by culturing animal cells in vitro. Cultured meat is produced using tissue engineering techniques pioneered in regenerative medicine. Jason Matheny popularized the concept in the early 2000s after he co-authored a paper on cultured meat production and created New Harvest, the world's first non-profit organization dedicated to in-vitro meat research. Cultured meat has the potential to address the environmental impact of meat production, animal welfare, food security and human health, in addition to its potential mitigation of climate change. Duration: 20 minutes and 18 seconds.20:18 The Meat Revolution, a lecture at the World Economic Forum by Mark Post of the University of Maastricht about in vitro meat A video by New Harvest and Xprize explaining the development of cultured meat and a "post-animal bio-economy" driven by lab-grown protein (meat, eggs, milk) In 2013, Mark Post created a hamburger patty made from tissue grown outside of an animal. Since then, other cultured meat prototypes have gained media attention: SuperMeat opened a farm-to-fork restaurant, called "The Chicken", in Tel Aviv to test consumer reaction to its "Chicken" burger, while the "world's first commercial sale of cell-cultured meat" occurred in December 2020 at Singapore restaurant 1880, where cultured meat manufactured by United States firm Eat Just was sold. While most efforts focus on common meats such as pork, beef, and chicken which constitute the bulk of consumption in developed countries, companies such as Orbillion Bio focused on high-end or unusual meats including elk, lamb, bison, and Wagyu beef. Avant Meats brought cultured grouper to market in 2021, while other companies have pursued different species of fish and other seafood. The production process is constantly evolving, driven by companies and research institutions. The applications for cultured meat led to ethical, health, environmental, cultural, and economic discussions. Data published by the non-governmental organization Good Food Institute found that in 2021 cultivated meat companies attracted $140 million in Europe. Cultured meat is mass-produced in Israel. The first restaurant to serve cultured meat opened in Singapore in 2021. However, cultured meat is not yet widely available.
Could Lab-Grown Salmon Be The Future Of Fish? | Lab-Grown | Science Insider
Large-scale, lab-grown meat: Step inside a cultivated meat factory | Hard Reset
Lab-Grown Real Meat is Finally Here
Lab-grown meat gets closer to Americans' dinner tables
The Meat of the Future: How Lab-Grown Meat Is Made
Is lab grown meat saving the Earth? | Planet E | Documentary
The Future of Lab Grown Meat and Vegan Protein with Paul Shapiro.
Quorn & Impossible Foods: The Plant-Based Meat Revolution | Ahead Of Their Time | CNA Documentary