Hyaluronic Acid

Hallmarks of aging We propose the following 11 hallmarks of aging: 1 genomic instability refers to nuclear and mitochondria dna breaking fucoidan supplements fix nuclear and mitochondria dna breaking, 2 telomere attrition asstralugus and vitamin d 3 fix telomere attrition, 3 epigenetic alterations is a remodelling of how & which genes gets expressed NMN fixes epigenetic alterations, 4 loss of proteostasis which is miss-folded protein protein aggregation fasting is known to fix misfolded proteins & protein aggregation, 5 disabled macroautophagy not enough fasting causes disabled macroautophagy the solution is to fast more often, 6 deregulated nutrient-sensing not enough antioxidants or supplements, 7 mitochondrial dysfunction coq10 and astaxanthine fixes mitochondrial dysfunction, 8 cellular senescence fisetin fixes cellular senescence, 9 stem cell exhaustion chondroitin sulphate & glucosamine fixes stem cell exhaustion, 10 altered intercellular communication, chronic inflammation a result of lack of supplements omega 3 and antioxidants fix altered intercellular communication & chronic inflammation everywhere in the body, 11 dysbiosis of lack of good bacteria probiotics fix dysbiosis. These hallmarks are interconnected among each other
The Hallmarks of Aging | LifeXtenShow

Hyaluronic acid , since its first isolation in 1934, hyaluronic acid (HA) has been studied across a variety of research areas. This unbranched glycosaminoglycan consisting of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and d-glucuronic acid is almost ubiquitous in humans and in other vertebrates. Hyaluronic acid ( abbreviated HA; conjugate base hyaluronate), also called hyaluronan, is an anionic, nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is unique among glycosaminoglycans as it is non-sulfated, forms in the plasma membrane instead of the Golgi apparatus, and can be very large: human synovial HA averages about 7 million Da per molecule, or about 20,000 disaccharide monomers, while other sources mention 3–4 million Da. The average 70 kg (150 lb) person has roughly 15 grams of hyaluronan in the body, one third of which is turned over (i.e., degraded and synthesized) per day. As one of the chief components of the extracellular matrix, it contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration, and Hyaluronic acid  cures the progression of many malignant tumors. Hyaluronic acid is also a component of the group A streptococcal extracellular capsule, and is believed to play a role in virulence. Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch & flex, it reduces skin wrinkles & lines. Hyaluronic acid is also proven to help wounds heal faster & can reduce scarring. It strenghthens bones & lubricate our tissues. The largest amounts of it are found in your skin, connective tissue, & eyes. It retains water keeping tissues lubricated, They previously found that mole rats have about 10 times the amount of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA) in their bodies compared to humans & mice, the abundant high-molecular-mass hyaluronic acid may benefit the adaptation to subterranean environment by increasing skin elasticity & protecting from oxidative stress due to hypoxic conditions & mole rats also have high amounts of spermidine.  Scientists previously found a few factors that keep mole rats young: their DNA repairs itself well when damaged & their cells have loads of antioxidants. But their most interesting anti-aging strategy may be outside their cells altogether. Most cells live in a blanket of molecules & minerals called an ‘extracellular matrix’. In naked mole rats, this blanket is woven from a thicker hyaluronan fabric: naked mole rats produce a heavier & larger version of the molecule hyaluronan, which is the backbone of this extracellular matrix. As Andrei Seluanov and Vera Gorbunova's team at the University of Rochester, USA, show, this extra padding protects cells from inflammation & early death. To better understand this anti-aging strategy, Seluanov & Gorbunova's team genetically modified mice to produce this naked mole rat version of hyaluronan throughout their skin, muscles & internal organs. Then, the researchers recorded how long they lived, & whether they developed cancer with age – as older mice tend to do. The naked mole rat gene was a powerful anti-aging treatment. Mice lived up to 12% longer lives with this bulkier hyaluronan molecule. If these results were translated directly to humans, that would mean an extra precious decade of life. The mice also developed less cancer, even when exposed to tumour-producing chemicals. The scientists then asked, as the mice are living longer, does that mean they live stronger? They gave the mice an array of tests to measure their ‘frailty index’ – a measure of health & vitality. These tests include things like hearing and vision tests, coat condition, body temperature & weight. Mice with the naked mole rat molecule showed a lower frailty index, meaning they were healthier & more robust. They had denser bones, produced a stronger grip & were more capable in coordination tests. As the team put it, the mice not only had a longer lifespan but also had ‘an improved health span’. Next, the researchers asked exactly how this naked mole rat molecule kept mice alive & thriving. First, they looked in the genes for clues, & genetic scans showed that inflammation genes were dialled down throughout multiple organs. This was a good lead as inflammation is a risk factor for age-related diseases such as cancer, arthritis & heart disease. To double-check, they took blood samples to look for signs of inflammation; there were fewer pro-inflammatory molecules in the blood of mice with heavy hyaluronan. Finally, they did a third test, by injecting a bacterial protein that causes inflammation & checking how the mice reacted. There was less inflammation in their tissues, & fewer pro-inflammatory chemicals in their blood. This may be naked mole rats’ secret of youth: this thick hyaluronan coating may protect cells from inflammation, so they live longer & avoid disease. Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, & on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, & yielded her fruit every month: & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates 460BC Let supplements be thy medicine & let medicine be thy supplement
Slowing Aging with Sirtuins, NAD and Hyaluronic Acid - Dr Vera Gorbunova